Circulation From WBRERA

Circulation From WBRERA

As per source the west Bengal real estate regulatory authority has issued an important order dated, 06th December’24(No:- 1986-RERA/L-01/2023) for for quarterly updated of Real Estate project in the website of...

The Below Instructions Should be Followed Hereafter:

As per source the west Bengal real estate regulatory authority has issued an important order dated, 06th December’24(No:- 1986-RERA/L-01/2023) for for quarterly updated of Real Estate project in the website of the Authority along with conditions for rising of demand by the promoter.

The Below Instructions Should be Followed Hereafter:

  • All quarterly updates for projects registered under WBRERA/WBHIRA up to 30.09.’24 must be completed by 31st December’24.
  • A penalty of Rs. 25,000/-will rose per quarter along with other actions as per the provisions of the Act& Rules for failure to comply.
  • All quarterly updates must be completed by the 7th of the following month after the quarter ends and it will be affected from 1st January’25 onwards.
  • A penalty of Rs. 25,000/-will rose per quarter & additional actions will be taken for Non-compliance under the Act & Rules.
  • The projects which will be failed to meet the concerned compliance will be marked by RED COLOR on the WBRERA portal.
  • If any promoter fails to comply the directions of the Authority, will faced a penalty up to 5% of the estimated project cost as per the act.
  • As per section 19(2)of the Act, promoters must support each installment demand raised on allotters( as per the agreement for sale) along with (a) Updated construction status (b)Relevant photographs (c) An engineer & architect approved certificates maintain the format in Annexure A

Requirement for Updates Until Completion:

Until the competent authority issues the completion certificate (C.C.), the quarterly updates for registered projects must be maintained on the WBRERA website.

Example: If a completion certificate is issued as of today, 6th Dec.’24, the quarter update is to be done until 31st March,’25.Therefore it should be completed by 7Th April’25.